Message from the Chairman CEO

Ever since it established a factory for making automotive suspension springs in Shibaura, Tokyo in 1939, NHK Spring has grown in tandem with the automobile industry, and has broadened its operations to also include the information and telecommunications, industry, and lifestyle fields. Refusing to be daunted by the global recession and the COVID-19 pandemic, we have maintained this challenge and continued to introduce new value to the world. As a result, by supplying key parts in response to the problems encountered by our customers, many of our products continue to account for the top global share.
In April 2024, Mr. Uemura was appointed to the post of President & COO, while I was appointed Chairman of the Board & CEO. These appointments were made in order to further enhance our corporate value through implementation of our new Medium-Term Management Plan, which ends in 2026. Mr. Uemura has built unwavering relationships of trust with numerous customers over many years of service on the front line of sales, and by appointing him as President & COO, we hope to realize the further success of our company.
NHK Spring will reach its 100th anniversary in 2039. At NHK Spring, the core tenet of our philosophy is “Respect for people”. We value and encourage employees who are passionate about what they do. Together with Mr. Uemura, I will continue to steer the company toward sustainable growth and increased corporate value by fully leveraging the skills and talents of our people as our most valuable asset.
Message from the President COO

I was appointed to the post of President & COO in April 2024, and I feel sobered to think about the weight of NHK Spring’s history, which has been handed down for more than 85 years since the company’s founding. I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to our shareholders, investors, customers, business partners, employees and their families, and all others who have consistently lent their support and understanding.
In order to strengthen our management foundation on a sustainable basis, NHK Spring has placed great importance on “people”, in other words, our employees. By taking on their responsibilities with integrity and sincerity, our employees have evolved our manufacturing and continued to be the source of our competitiveness to this day. We will continue to provide job satisfaction, job comfort, and opportunities for growth so that together we can grow with our employees.
On the other hand, in our business activities with customers and business partners, we will develop and provide "indispensable key parts" that our customers expect, manufacture products with the highest quality, and improve our services by enhancing productivity as NHK Spring. We are committed to maintaining relationships of trust so that our customers will think, “I want to work with NHK Spring for the long term”.
In addition, we will continue our efforts to create products that are environmentally friendly and products that contribute to solving social issues, as well as vigorously promote the “NHK Spring Environmental Challenges” to help solve social and global environmental issues. To ensure that we can continue our efforts to meet the expectations of all stakeholders through our business activities, we will further focus on promoting sustainability in our Medium-Term Management Plan starting from fiscal 2024.
As the NHK Spring Group, together with our CEO Mr. Kayamoto, I will continue to make every effort to contribute to the realization of a prosperous society in the future. Thank you very much for your support.