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CSR Information

Procurement Information

We have established basic policies on procurement, and we encourage green procurement according to our own guidelines.

Basic procurement policies

We follow these basic principles in procurement:
building long-term partnerships based on mutual trust, equitable and open procurement, compliance with the law while maintaining confidentiality

Partner Reporting Desk

Purpose of the Partner Reporting Desk

NHK Spring conducts transactions with partners under the tenets of our basic procurement policy: building long-term partnerships based on mutual trust, fair and open procurement, and regulatory compliance and confidentiality in transactions. Therefore, in the event of actions taken by NHK Spring partners that are against this basic policy, violations of regulations such as the Subcontract Act, other compliance violations, or if there is suspicion of said actions, we request that this information is reported to us. This will assist us in the early detection of problems, preventive and corrective measures, and relapse prevention. This in turn will help us to fulfill our corporate social responsibilities and broadly contribute to society. At NHK Spring we aim to build relationships of trust with our partners.

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