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Environmental Audit and Energy Conservation Diagnosis for CO2 Reduction

Each business site is managed based on an environmental management system (EMS), for proper operation of global environmental conservation activities such as CO2 reduction activities and zero-emission initiatives.

We perform environmental audits and energy conservation diagnoses to grasp actual status, and we work to improve environmental performance and reduce CO2 emissions.

ISO 14001 and environmental auditing

NHK Spring Group holds environmental audits to verify that the EMS of each Group company is operated appropriately in accordance with the ISO 14001. We also work to improve our management, ensure environment-related compliances, improve environmental performance, and identify issues for improvement.

Environmental audits (internal auditing)

Internal audit is led by staff who have completed specialized training.

In fiscal 2020, we conducted internal environmental audits at each Group plant in accordance with ISO 14001 (2015).

Moreover, we regularly hold internal environmental auditor training courses taught by external instructors. This program has educated ISO 14001 (2015) auditors in the Group to improve performance through the proper implementation of the system.

Environmental audits (external audits)

Inspections by external certification bodies are conducted to ensure that EMS implementation meets the requirements of ISO 14001 (2015).

The results of external audits at all 11 plants in fiscal 2020 showed that the EMS was operated properly, pollution was being prevented and continuous environmental improvement activities were implemented.

Energy saving diagnosis for CO2 reduction

NHK Spring Group conducts regular energy saving diagnoses.

Consultants certified by the Ministry of the Environment as CO2 reduction potential diagnosticians perform site visits and interviews at company facilities, to develop new energy-saving measures aimed at sustained effective energy use and CO2 emissions reduction.

Although this initiative was canceled in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we plan to restart these activities from 2021.

Moving forward, we will work to spread reduction measures horizontally throughout the group while systematically performing diagnoses at each Group plant, thus improving environmental performance through efficient energy use and CO2 emissions reduction.

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