Zero Emission Activities
We proactively engage in zero-emission activities in efforts to use precious resources effectively and achieve a recycling-oriented society.
Maintain recycling rate of above 99%
We set recycling rate of 99% or higher, exceeding the JAPIA (JAPIA: Japan Auto Parts Industries Association) target of 85%, and have achieved a 100% recycling rate.
In order to achieve a 100% recycling rate, it is important to thoroughly separate waste and to entrust the recycling process to an appropriate company.
We set detailed rules in each business sites, provide “Environmental Dojos” (training facilities for behaviors and philosophy), and ensure thorough sorting at recycling centers. We also inspect the actions of waste disposal companies on site to ensure that they handle waste appropriately.
As a result, NHK Spring and domestic group companies have achieved a 100% recycling rate, and maintained it until now. We will continue our efforts to reduce the amount of waste while maintaining the 100% recycling rate.
Recycling of waste plastic and food waste
Soft plastics are compactly stored and transported using compression packaging machines, and recycled by appropriate waste disposal companies. High-grade waste plastics can be recycled into plastic raw materials and high-calorie fuels.
Food waste is reused as feed for livestock or recycled as compost through a fermentation and decomposition process.

Soft plastic compression packing machine

Soft plastic after compression
Thorough separation
In order to maintain our 100% recycling rate, we also thoroughly separate ordinary daily waste in offices, as well.

Waste separation station in Yokohama Office
On-site checks of waste processors
To ensure proper implementation of our zero-emissions policies, each business site conducts regular on-site checks of waste processing service providers to confirm that waste is being processed according to contract.
Certified as “3R activities Excellent business sites” in Yokohama City
Certificate of 3R activities Excellent
business sites in Yokohama
In recognition of our social contribution activities, such as waste recycling, proper management of waste contractors, and cleanup of neighborhoods near our business sites, our Yokohama Plant has been certified as an excellent business site for 3R activities by the city of Yokohama for eight consecutive years since fiscal 2012.
We will continue to strive to maintain this certification. 3R : Acronym of Reduce, Re-use, Recycle activities